Who we are?

Betra is a engineering and consulting office which has been carrying out studies, technical assistance and audit assignments for nearly 10 years in the following areas:

  • Transport infrastructure
  • Rural development
  • Building
  • Water Supply and Sanitation
  • Energy

What do we bring?

We have competent and multidisciplinary human resources, but also scientific means made up of high-performance software used for the effective conduct of our missions.

We also have an up-to-date digital documentation centre, bringing together the latest edition of standards and regulations, technical works and specialized publications in our various areas of expertise.

Permanent Workers
Expertise Areas
Finalised Projects

Being awarded by numerous distinctions at the national and international level is a real source of pride for us.

This reinforces the feeling that has always been mine, that by doing engineering differently and with all the high-level expertise and innovations that must accompany it, our aura will go beyond our four walls, and will go beyond our borders, to positively impact our societies.

Mr. Komlan ABASSAH, General Manager Bétra

A Great Team At Your Service.

Our Values

For More Fulfillment.

Our Means

For More Satisfaction.

Betra has competent and multidisciplinary human resources, but also know-how in the field of project management, the conduct of studies, the control of construction works, support for the management of project in the sectors of transport, water supply and sanitation, urban planning, rural infrastructure and civil works.

Betra has scientific resources made up of high-performance software that it uses to carry out its missions efficiently.

  • The ALIZE-LCPC V1.4 software (Key N°2963) implements the rational method for designing pavement structures (flexible, rigid, concrete, etc.). It is also a powerful tool for the analysis of pavement reinforcement/renovation projects.
  • MENSURA GENIUS V8.01 software (License No. 2903, Key No. 6625) is a complete design solution software in the field of infrastructure and civil engineering. It helps us to improve project design, optimize document production in order to gain efficiency and competitiveness. With this software, Geomensura offers a production chain that begins with the processing of the land topography through the 3D design of the project, the production of plans up to the 3D Digital Model.
  • Other software: PISTE 5.05, ROBOT Millennium (version 20), AUTOCAD, Micro Fe, CERES, DEVERS, STAB, TALWEG, STRAKON, SURFER, CANAL 9, etc.

Betra has a digital documentation center, periodically updated, bringing together the latest edition of standards and regulations, technical works and specialized publications in the various areas of its competence.


HR and Quality Manager


Technical Manager

Afi Délali Sika NOUBOUKPO

Accountant and Reprographer